Monday, September 7, 2009

Personal Growth - "The 30 Minute Success Track"

"What is personal growth I once asked my a friend of mine?"

He responded with: "Well Chris I guess it's when you grow personally."

I didn't really understand what he meant but I took it as a positive movement to a better you. I never understood exactly what personal growth meant. I was always taught different things by different people and they all always seem to have the same similarities.

Every one's goals, dreams, passions and priorities are different which result in different activities and attitudes to what you do on a daily basis. But how do you prioritize yourself? How do you set your goals? How do you set a daily method of operation to ever day task?

See success is set into different rankings & different visions by different personality types. It doesn't pertain to the same image or same level of understanding. To one individual it might just be to reach 1 or 2 goals they set for themselves 5 years ago and they finally achieved them. To another individual it might just be that they need to be wealthy, with a 7 figure income, huge house, priceless cars and a net worth of millions of dollars.

Regardless of what you think of success were you start? Were do you set your foot on the pavement and say this is the starting line and that over there (Your Goals In Life) is your finish line? How do you start your day? How do you motivate yourself? The psychology of human growth is influenced by your state of mind: Creating the proper mindset.

How do you psych yourself everyday? How do you put yourself in the moment?
Maybe your an athlete and to prepare yourself by listening to hype music to get "pumped". Perhaps your a Sales Manager and ever morning when you wake you listen to "Les Brown" or Tony Robbins to get in the mood to close some deals with potential clients.

Whether it business, pleasure or a hobby all these activities have a common similarity, "State of Mind."

In my eyes personal growth is when in individual progresses in life to become a better them: Spiritually, Mentally, Physically and Emotionally. You recognize your weakness and improve on your strengths. You are not in a state of denial but in a state of progression. You become open minded and appreciate the value exchange one human can exchange with another.

As humans we are not perfect in anyway and perhaps may never be but instead of not accepting it, you approve of it and see what you have to do to become a better you.

The pinnacle state of personal growth is when your able to understand the value of giving to others. You learn to give and not expect anything in return. You treat others the way you would want to be treated. You acknowledge others attributes and learn to implement there strengths to your own good to benefit not just both of you, but everyone around you. You become balanced instead of imbalanced.

You are who you are because you choose to be, not because you are forced to be.

The ultimate statement of respect one human being can give to another is that of: "Your presence is present when you are not present."